For Water Savings, Add Mulch!
The District offers two free deliveries of mulch (approximately 7-10 yards) through the County of Santa Barbara (limited to $85 per delivery or an annual maximum of $170 per fiscal year).
PLEASE NOTE: As of March 31, 2022, due to a shift in resources, the County of Santa Barbara will no longer be producing screened mulch material. The regular mulch material will continue to be produced and will be available for customers. Please contact the South Coast Recycling and Transfer Station at (805) 681-4981 for additional information.
A 3-6 inch layer of shredded wood or other mulch slows evaporation, cools and protects the soil and keeps down weeds. Mulch also increases the permeability of the soil. These benefits allow for a reduction in water used for irrigation.
Use mulch to reduce water use, improve plant health or even to remove your lawn. Removing or reducing the size of your lawn is one of the easiest ways to significantly reduce outdoor water use. On average as much as half of residential water use is outdoor irrigation, so removing turf is one of the best options to significantly reduce water use.
The Goleta Water District (GWD) will rebate the cost for up to two (2) deliveries of mulch from County of Santa Barbara South Coast Recycling and Transfer Station per GWD customer per year. Proof of purchase is required for all rebates. A maximum of two delivery receipts may be submitted for rebate for delivery dates within the same fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) with a maximum rebate of up to $85 each or $170 for the two deliveries.
- Call South Coast Recycling and Transfer Station at (805) 681-4981 to schedule a mulch delivery.
- Have your mulch delivered, obtain an invoice from the County of Santa Barbara, and pay the County of Santa Barbara for the delivery. Save the invoice and proof of purchase/payment.
- Complete and submit an electronic copy of the 1) GWD mulch rebate application, 2) SB County mulch invoice, and 3) proof of invoice payment by email to: conservation@goletawater.com. Application materials must be postmarked within 60 days of invoice date.
Once submittals are verified, rebate checks will be issued in approximately 30-60 days. Questions? Call (805) 964-6761.
For more information on mulching techniques to remove your lawn click here.
For larger projects, please inquire about our Smart Landscape Rebate Program here.
For more information about the County of Santa Barbara Mulch Program visit lessismore.org
For rebate information contact us by email at conservation@goletawater.com or call the District at (805) 964-6761.
Click here to download the Mulch Delivery Rebate Application.